Characteristics of the treatment sexual of psoriasis

Psoriasis on the genitals is fairly often, and in equally women and men. Characteristic of this disease rashes surprised not only the area of the genitals, but the skin and other parts of the body (in the groin, the abdomen, the near-anoral area of the buttocks, and other).. Often, patients start treatment in advanced stages of the disease, when it moves in a serious way, and not subjected to local treatment.

the gender of the psoriasis

Eruptions are, as a rule, the pink and the red shades slightly above the level of the skin, are round in shape, silvery color of the plate and the erythrematous the base. The spots are indicative of a diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm or more. In such cases, the itching may not bother the person, but the appearance of the foci creates an unpleasant situation. As a general rule, the diagnosis of the disease is not easy, since the plates are placed in parallel and in other parts of the body.

The cause of the disease

The development of the disease occurs as a result of these reasons:

  • the genetic predisposition;
  • disrupt the functioning of the immune system;
  • nervous shock;
  • the pathology of the organs found in the pelvic area;
  • failures in the functioning of the sex organs, the hormonal imbalance.

Very often the papules appear in the genital area, for the reason that the patient already has these eruptions on the body, but does not have access to a doctor, does not adopt measures for the treatment of the disease.

Psoriasis on the genitals it is not transmitted from one partner to another through intimate contact, as well as in the air-dribble, the way. It is the chronicle of a process that has a source that is not infectious.

The genre of psoriasis in women

The genitalia of the lips of the psoriasis is very common in women, as well as in the vulva, and this disease is part of the prevalence of psoriasis. The first signs of the disease are manifested in adolescence when hormonal restructuring of the body. Illness also reminds of itself in the period of pregnancy, lactation, menopause, postmenopausal with ages above – again in the bottom of the peaks. Often, women are confused similar to those of the disease with sexually transmitted diseases, and dealing with self-medication. The time lost due to reluctance to resort to a dermatologist can cause a significant deterioration of the health situation.

The female half of the patients with psoriatic inflammation can be manifested:

  • between the buttocks;
  • under the breasts;
  • in the area of the axilla armpit.
The genre of psoriasis in women

Also psoriasis in women manifests itself in the groin, where in an order that is chaotic are pinkish papules with white and silvery scales. Psoriatic plaques are located in the pubis, large and small genital lips, the mucosa of the vagina. The symptoms of psoriasis is similar to vulvitis, but an accurate diagnosis can provide only experienced a dermatologist.

The gender of the psoriasis in men

Psoriasis on the genitals in men manifests itself in the form of rashes on the penis (especially in the area of the head, covering the flesh of the foreskin), the groin area, lobka. In the skin act a reddish stain, which rise slightly above the surface, and covered whitish-silvery scaly layer. These symptoms are similar to the manifestation of classical balanoposthitis, with the most often confused about the gender of the psoriasis in men. As shown in the medical practice, psoriatic precipitation in the intimate parts are not the only manifestation of the disease. Papules cover and other parts of the body, including the abdomen, back, arms, legs, and other

Psoriasis in the groin in men to treat in an integrated way, through the local application of medicines internal exposure. If the youth has not been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, it can lead to intimacy, but with the contraceptives (to avoid the possibility of getting an infection from the partner in the treatment process of psoriasis).

The gender of the psoriasis in men

The treatment psoriatic lesions of the genital organs in men and women

Cure psoriasis in private parts, you must of medications, who will designate a dermatologist. It is possible that you need help urologist (men) and a gynecologist (for women), especially if the patient has supplementary sexually transmitted diseases. The men and women the principle of treatment psoriatic inflammation similar. So, if the disease is manifested in a mild form, with just the use of creams, ointments, gels. When the heavy flow is funds assigned for the reception inside.

Very often psoriasis of the genital passes to near-alan area, at the bottom of that you can develop hemorrhoids, infestations, inflammation of the mucosa of the infection source. The presence of these comorbidities can complicate the treatment process of sexual of the psoriasis.

Before curing psoriasis on the genitals, you must complete the diagnosis of your dermatologist. You may need to consult a gynecologist or a urologist.

The methods of diagnosis for men and women are similar:

  • general inspection of the state of the genital organs;
  • the taking of skin samples to a laboratory;
  • general and clinical analysis of blood;
  • additional pap smears to the exclusion of the presence of virus in the triggers, which are transmitted by sexual intercourse.

The main methods of treatment are the following:

  • the use of ointments for external application (corticosteroid compositions, ointments based on coal tar);
  • the course of reception of medicine on the inside (immunodepressants, immune modulators, retinoid, prepared with a content of vitamin D, antibiotics);
  • anti-fungal of the tool in order to avoid the parallel development of bacteria and fungal infections genital.

As the physical therapy is actively applied to the exposure of the genitals of the ultraviolet light, filter-ray laser.

Funding of the medicine and the patients often apply saline baths, compresses, infusion of leaves of laurel, as well as the lubrication of the genital organs of the tincture of gold of a mustache.

To competent, comprehensive the treatment of psoriasis genital of men and women in the period of remission may last from several months to several years.